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DBA - the worst disorder

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So, many people have become stricken with DBA aka Death By Airport. Causes including long lines, frustrating TSA, high priced airport food, and long waits and layovers for flights. There are ways to avoid DBA and I can tell you first hand how to avoid numerous agents of this disorder. 1st. Pre-pack! You can never pack too early. It helps with organization as well as to give you peace of mind while you get ready for your trip. If you pack enough things in advance, you'll become familiar with everything's location so you will know exactly where everything is. Nobody likes to lose things in the bluster of luggage. Take it upon yourself to make lists of things you know you'll need for your trip and always follow TSA guidlines. That basically means 3 oz. or less of any liquid, gel etc. as well as maintaing everything in a quart sized bag. Also, don't forget the clown method. You should be good on your way to the airport. 2. Now to take on TSA. If you are organized they shan't have the power to ..get on your nerves! Here's what I do: A. Don't carry much in your pockets just carry essentials. If you can, take a small bag and throw it in your carry on then when you get past the TSA "wall" you can re-sort or organize how you want to. B. Dress accordingly. If I say this, take it seriously. Don't go to the gate like you're on Rodeo Dr. In actuality you're getting on a safe, flying piece of metal. Don't try to go looking cute for anybody its not worth it..even Tyra still go booked for a job just on her passport photo. I like to do a pre-TSA dress which basically mean you go in comfortable (not ugly I can't wear sweat sorry :\) shoes, pants, and a top. If you need a belt and my Until bracelet, throw it in the carry on luggage and add everything you want to put on in the bathroom. ALL COMPUTERS GO THROUGH THE SCANNERS ALONE. They will give you hell if you don't. C. Be Southernly overtly curteous. If you're not Southern, just be super duper sweet and our tea..yum. it goes a long way. 3. Keeping entertained. Bring books, load up the best apps that you can on your mobile devices and tablets, or people watch because if you're not watching that means somebody is watching you! If you have any of your own stories let me know. We shall learn from each other..Peace peeps!

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