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"You're Next" = "Eres el Siguiente" and How You Will Save Money on the Metro

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Everybody who knows me knows that I love movies, especially if I get to see them in a good theater. So as a group Bryce, Michelle, Seth, and I and our new Brazilian peeps ended up at the amazing Nervion plaza. This only reinforces my idea that Sevilla has to be one of the most beautiful places in the south of Spain because they are able to blend the future with the present and the past. The city also manages to put everything you would love to empty your pockets to all in one place. Nervion plaza has an upstairs movie theater with 20 screens with US movies dubbed in Spanish (Spanish accent and all). The movies come into theaters later than they do in the US, they don't have The Wolverine yet :'(, however there was still a good selection of movies from Spain as well but we ended up seeing You're next or Eres el Siguiente for the native tongue. I really liked it and if you haven't you seen it you probably should. It's one of those good victim turns into kick ass hero movies. Now, how can I help you maybe save money? Well I've done a little reading after my own experience and it seems that a number of places not only in Sevilla but others as well that if you buy a metro ticket, let's say for and outgoing and return trip, then there are ways that if you return it (in our case a machine) that you can get some money back. We bought a ticke for 3,17 euro and returned the card and got 1 euro back costing us a total of 2,17 for the whole trip while the price of a one way trip is about 1,80. I definitely didn't figure this out on my own. We were about to throw our tickets away when Denise, a nice woman from Scotland who has been living in Sevilla for 12 years, stopped us and filled us in on the great information. She and her English learning student who works in the metro were more than nice can describe. After small talk, it only took a quick complement on my Spanish accent to really make this a good day; "Como Latino". So this leaves me with some questions for you to ask yourselves beautiful people: 1. Have you done a simple selfless act lately?

& 2. What have you done to push yourself to the next level of your being in this moment. Later peeps!

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