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OBSESSED AND OPPREEEESSED! (vocals from Oprah..thanks)

Writer's picture: undefined

No time to waste..going right in


1. -- Satirical blog that kind of misses the mark..some people need to know when they are funny and not.

I actually hate the fact that I put their website on my blog because I don't want my peeps to lose brain cells like I did when I went to this thing. I probably won't be able to tie my shoes tomorrow. They called Scooby Doo the first Atheist brainwashing cartoon! The dumbest thing I saw was their super detailed, poignant, and slower than Precious' run after she stole that damn chicken article on "twerking". I am not a twerk warrior nor do I pay it much attention anyway but they have defined twerk as Tempting With Exposed Rectal Kink ... (super side eye) basically to say that this dance craze is about to turn husbands into deep dark homothexuals. So, not only is oppressed but they are damn mess. Crucify yourselves.

2. Lady - Twerk

This isn't a hate twerk day I promise. Lady can't twerk the video is trash, rubbish, and garbagé. That's all

3. Poland aiport

Y'all already need to hash out old wounds...they also profiled me as soon as I got into the country..ugh why can't everybody be more like the French


1. Polish prices

Ok so the fact that I could everything you see in the photo for the equivalent of $4 would be enough to make anybody jump for joy, especially the inner fat you. That is one thing I will miss, having a candle-lit dinner for $9 and it's not Glade...good times.

2. Lady - Twerk

Ok, let me explain. The song makes me laugh super hard if I just don't look at the video. The things she says are so dumb and her voice is quiiite awkward. Get your dog ears own because the biggest wolf is howling now.


I really think these things are like the coolest thing since Furby (I fought hard for mine). Thanks tech world for giving everybody one more excuse to be late for work, not paying attention in class, almost have a wreck while driving, get fussed at at the dinner table, and to most importantly forget how to communicate with each other face to face! I can't wait till we sit next to each other and use our bitstrips to explain how we are feeling in at least 140 characters or less.

That's all folks, now go twerk and hide your husbands cuz the twerking on everybody out here!

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