Eliminate mindlessness
In order to truly change your body or your life, you first have to actually know what’s going on. In terms of weight loss or gain, the formula is simple. It’s an equation of calories in vs. calories out. Sure there are exceptions to the rule for those with metabolic disorders but a specialist can aide in finding how to better target those needs. For the vast majority of us though, being aware of how our bodies metabolize nutrition and how much we burn through our resting metabolic rate and physical output is enough to shift the tides of our physical journey. Plan out your meals, stop drinking excessive calories through sugary drinks, build a healthier relationship with food by learning how it truly affects your focus, your longevity, your metabolism, and you capacity to do more than you did the day before.
Make gradual fitness changes and be consistent.
It can be imitated when you watch your favorite fit instagramers fly over 9 ft walls like it’s nothing but instead of comparing yourself to where they are now, focus on the journey to getting there. You have the opportunity to try something new every day you’re alive. Every baby step you take can be the building blocks to foundational fitness. Focus on small goals like increasing your walking distances, learning new dances, or trying a new sport. It has to be something that challenges you without seeming completely fruitless or impossible. It will not always be fun. That’s a lie that the fit world sometimes tells but truthfully there’s so much pleasure after your work out or your first couple of weeks learning a new martial art that you forget the pain and soreness. Focus on change and know that every difficulty you overcome just makes you stronger and better.
Love yourself envision where you want to be.
Major key! You will never be able to create long lasting change until you love who you are now. This was for me the hardest part of my journey. I was always physically ready to try new athletics and I was quite good and going cold turkey in my diet. However, I went through several periods of self-loathing that kept giving me setbacks. Every time that I wasn’t where I wanted to be created a vortex of negative emotions that led to self-sabotage and relapse. I had to have a conversation with my body that went like this, “I love you. Thank you for getting me this far and sustaining this life. Now, it’s time to change”. This has been vital to my success and I wouldn’t be where I am without this mental piece. Release yourself from judgement and expectations that you or others in your sphere may have. No one else will have your journey because you are no carbon copy of no one.
Don’t be afraid to fail and try again.
Failure is part of the game. Every person who has ever done anything worth remembering has failed. The greats have, I have, you already have, and it’s ok. Hell, even Beyonce has fallen down stairs. Be your own testament. Stand up when you’re tired, fight back when your back is against the wall, go further than you ever thought possible, and be more than everyone else expected you to be. You’re only limited by the limitations of your own mind.